04/15/2011: WFLA-TB (NBC)
NewsChannel 8 TodayNews
... >>jennifer: i have to think about it. i want to think of something really, really good and clever. i suggested rod and jen, but that was actually kind of lame. i'll try to think of something. >>rod: leigh, what do you think? >>leigh: maybe like cuddly and -- you know what else was cute, seeing little kids digging in the dirt. that's my story. more than 220 schools from around the country applied and tampa's robles elementary was one of just five chosen to receive a school garden from burbee garden. i was there as the cute kids placed the first plants in the soil. >> everybody see the roots? >>reporter: robles elementary now has its very own garden. >> we had been talking about gardening for a while. >> but with little budget and materials, the garden never materialized until now. >> you guys are the proud winners of our i can grow contest. >>reporter: this is the first of five gardens burpee home gardens will start across the country. >> we definitely wanted a garden that could sustain itself through the growing season. it had to have the infrastructure and support to do that. we were looking for a gardening program that would incorporate elements of education. >> they also wanted a program with environmentally friendly measures and would involve eating the veggies, and that's what set robles apart. >> they really impressed us with their partnership with the southwest florida water management association and the partnership with the fresh fruits and vegetables program. >>reporter: s.w.f.w.m.d. provides the school with info about water conservation. >> we spoke to them about how to best water a garden while using as little water as possible and being successful with gardening. >>reporter: burpee home gardens is supplying not only all of the plants to robles elementary, but they are also giving them $2500 for garden supplies and a flip camera to document the garden's progress. the garden will be incorporated into the learning process. >> for example, kindergarten should know the difference between a real plant and a make-believe plant in a book. third grade should know what the different parts of a plant are. >>reporter: helping students learn about plants while learning to love veggies. >> there's actually research that shows that kids who garden ...